The voices in your head made you fat

The voices in your head made you fat

If you’re overweight and desperate to lose it, you’ve probably already tried the “old-fashioned” way of dieting, months of deprivation, and dieting. On a diet, you will experience cravings, feel hungry most of the day and feel left out because other people enjoy foods that you like but are not on your “allowed” list of … Read more

Running tips for overweight people

Running tips for overweight people

If you are overweight and want to lose weight by running, congratulate yourself for making the right decision. Running is one of the best exercises for losing weight because not only does it burn extra calories and fat instantly, it will also improve your fitness level and reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease. Here we’ve … Read more

UP LINKS – Too much weight gain for your Slendertone Elastic Band?

UP LINKS - Too much weight gain for your Slendertone Elastic Band?

Almost anyone can get stronger, sexier abs with the Slendertone Flex Belt toning program. Although the abdominal press machine is excellent, your final results will largely depend on two important factors: are you okay? Seniors, new moms, busy business people, casual exercisers, and people with physical difficulties are ideal candidates for our tummy toning belt. … Read more

5 disadvantages of being overweight!

5 disadvantages of being overweight!

There is a big difference between being healthy and gaining weight, right? Unfortunately, most people tend to ignore this difference when it comes to their daily eating habits. The result is that before you know it, you’ve tipped the scales on the wrong side. Also, the worst part is that you may gain weight easily … Read more