Weight loss – Android phone to the rescue

Weight gain is definitely a health concern if not a beauty concern. The best healthy way to lose weight is to exercise regularly and eat right. Well, we’ve heard that before! Most people find it difficult to shed those extra pounds because they never stick to their plan. Having a dedicated trainer wouldn’t be a bad idea, if it were affordable. Another alternative is to replace the trainer with your Android smartphone.

surprised? Your smartphone can actually do a lot more than you can imagine. Being your constant companion, no other tool can help you in your efforts to lose weight so much.

Android is an operating system found in a growing number of mobile phone brands and models including (but not limited to) HTC Desire, HTC Inspire 4G, Motorola Atrix 4G, Samsung Epic 4G, HTC ThunderBolt, Motorola DROID, Samsung Galaxy Tab, or Motorola Zoom.

An ideal weight loss plan should take into account different types of exercises, abdominal exercises, cardio exercises, diet, water intake, progress monitoring, calorie counting, accountability, and inspiration.

It is not easy to think of the exercises to do, so the important application on your mobile phone will be the one that will suggest you exercises with pictures and all the information you will need. This app should be able to suggest exercises, with a wide variety of workouts that can be compressed into a short 7-minute time period or a really 80-minute period. The application will ensure that you do not need to pre-plan your activities. When you have a few minutes to spare, just let this app recommend exercises.

Once you start your exercises, the next concern will be keeping track of your weight. Who wouldn’t be happy to see the loss of one kilogram? How about a nice infographic of where you started and what you achieved? Now your mobile phone will track your weight. With that interest, why not try yoga next? Get the best app on the market to explain the moves to you.

You’ve certainly heard it all before — drinking water flushes out toxins, fills you up a bit so you eat less, and rehydrates your body. But are you drinking enough water? The number of cups matters. So you need an app to set daily goals and remind you to drink water.

Other necessary apps will include a calorie counter to keep track of what you eat and a calorie count to make sure your diet is hitting the right targets.

You’ll also need a weight training app to demonstrate the movements and create your own routine. Getting a cardio app, which tracks your movement and calories burned, is also a good idea. The Daily Ab Workout App on your phone almost completes the package.

Complex meal plans are not for everyone, so you need an app that offers simple 15 to 30 minute fast food recipes from fresh ingredients.

Now that you know what you need, the next task will be to choose the best Android apps from each category. If you have searched the Android market for weight loss apps, you will be surprised to see about 500 apps that include cardio trainers, calorie counters, diets, etc. A search for “exercise” will return about 1,649 results, and yoga will return about 450 results. They all sound tempting enough, but you don’t need them all. All you need is the best from lots of different categories to take care of different aspects of losing weight.

MetaPlume recently published an e-book titled “Ten Best Android Apps for Weight Loss”. The author has examined hundreds of free Android weight loss apps to shortlist the ten best free apps. You will find it on Amazon here: http://www.amazon.com/Free-Android-Apps-Weight-ebook/dp/B00546CN2I

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